93: chs 7-8 – Little Women


Chapters 7-8

Prepping so I don’t leave you high and dry while on the cruise. The show notes won’t change, but new episodes will appear as though by magic. How cool is that?! Checkout SpinningErin’s new ‘Cast: Faery Knitting.

Congrats to our April Winnah Meghan from IL!!! You’ll be talking to Dixie at YellowDog!

Limey info for you:RECIPES THROUGH TIME

[1747] “To pickel LEMONS. Take twelve Lemons, scape the with a Piece of broken Glass, then cut them cross in two, four Parts down right, but not quite through, but that they will hang together; then up in as much Salt as they will hold, and rub then well, and strew them over with Salt. Let them lay in an earthen Dish for three days, and turn them every Day; then slit an Ounce of Ginger very think and salted for three Days, twelve Cloves of Garlick parboiled, and satled three Day, a small Handful of Mustard-seeds bruised, and searched through a hair-sieve, some red India Pepper, one to every Lemon; take your Lemons out of the salt, and squeeze them very gently, and put them into a Jar, with the Spice and Ingredients, and cover them with the best White Wine Vinegar. Stop them up very close, and in a Month’s time they will fit to eat.” —The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy, Hannah Glasse, facsimile 1747 edition [Prospect Books:Devon] 1995 (p. 133)[1845] “To Pickle Lemons, and Limes. Excellent. Wipe eight fine sound lemons very clean, and make, at equal distances, four deep incisions in each, from the stalk to the blossom end, but without dividing the fruit; stuff them with as much salt as they will contain, lay them into a deep dish, and place them in a sunny window, or in some warm place for a week or ten days, keeping them often turned and basted with their own liquor; then rub them with some good plae turmeric, and put them with their juice, into a stone jar with a small head of garlic, divided into cloves and peeled, and a dozen small onions stuck with twice as many cloves. Boil in two quarts of white wine vinegar, half a pound of ginger slightly bruised, two oundes of whole black pepper, and half a pound of mustard-seed; take them from the fire and pour the directly on the lemons; cover the jar with a plate, and let them remain until the following day, then add to the pickle half a dozen capsicums (or a few chilies, if more convenient), and tie a skin and a fold of thick paper over the jar. Large lemons stuffed with salt, 8: 8 to 10 days. Tumeric, 1 to 2 oz; ginger, 1/2 lb; mustard-seed, 1/2 lb.; capsicums, 6 oz.” —Modern Cookery for Private Families, Eliza Acton, reprint of 1845 London edition with an introduction by Elizabeth Ray [Southover Press:East Sussex 1993 (p. 445)

[1861] Book of Household Management, Isabella Beeton (use your browser’s “find” feature to locate pickled lemons)

[1881] “Pickled Limes.–Make a brine strong enough to float an egg; stick your limes on two sides with a silver fork; then put them in the brine with a weight on the limes to keep them well under the brine; let them stand in a warm place for a week; they are then fit to eat. You can add some red peppers to the brine.–West India Woman” —“Receipts,” New York Times, August 7, 1881 (p. 9)

[1981] “There are many recipes for pickled lemons and limes. In each you can substitute one for the other. The commonest recipes call for making slits in the fruit without cutting them through. You add salt, which dissolves as it stands. The lemons or limes are left to stand for a considerable period before serving. In India, where pickled lemons and limes–called achar–are served sweet or hot, various spices are added, including cumin, chili pods, mustard seeds, fenugreek and so on.” —“Q & A,” New York Times, April 1, 1981 (p. C9) [NOTE: achar’ simply means pickle, not pickled limes.]

[2001] “PICKLED LEMONS 4 thin-skinned lemons, scrubbed and quartered 1/4 cup kosher salt Juice of 8 or 9 lemons In a 1-quart widemouth jar, combine the lemons and the salt. Add the lemon juice to cover the lemons by 1/2 inch. Cover and store at room temperature, shaking the jar twice a week, for two to three weeks. The lemons are ready when the rind is soft. Discard any skin that might develop on the surface of the jar. If you wish to speed up the pickling process, gently heat the quartered lemons before packing them in lemon juice and salt. To heat, arrange the lemon wedges in a single layer in a microwave-safe dish. Cover with plastic wrap and microwave on high for 30 seconds or until the lemons are warm to the touch. Pro ceed as directed above. The lemons will be ready in four to five days.” —“Internet site reveals recipe for Exotic Chicken,” Geissler Janet, Lansing State Journal, April 9, 2001, Pg. 3D

Don’t forget to read your Bunyan.


I’m Heather Ordover

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