Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the Mina Harker — Watch Parties membership level.

Mina Harker

$15 / month
Alert, clever, and a fierce defender of those you care about. Your faith and support are very gratefully received. Thank you!
✨ Members at this level receive all previous level perks, like: 
  • Patron-only Discord Access to the BRAND NEW CraftLit Discord server!
  • Patron-only Name Reading at the end of the 2nd episode of each month.**
    • **Note that we will credit you by the name that appears on our Patreon backer list.
  • Premium audio access—everything Premium since Patreon started and everything yet to come! ***
    • ***re: The CRAFTLIT APP—built and maintained by Libsyn—is completely separate from Patreon. If you signed up for premium audio on the app you can ONLY access premium audio via the app or by signing in online at
  • Book-related Exclusive Digital Wallpapers that renews with each book!
  • Every-Even-Month Thursday Night Patron-only Book Club - we’ll have you pick a modern book, then give everyone a chance to read it, then we will all jump on Discord to chat about it!


  • Every-Odd-Month Patron-only Thursday Night Watch Party!** - we'll pick a movie, then all jump on Discord to watch it! Book-related movies are frequent visitors on our watchlist, but not always.
    • **Depending on where we get the video from, you may need to have your own account (e.g., Netflix) but we’re working to avoid that.

The price for membership is $15.00 per Month.

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