About CraftLit
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- About CraftLit
CraftLit® is a Podcast about Having Fun with Classic Literature!
- love classic lit
- love romance and adventure
- have fond memories of English lit classes
- don’t like to be bored
- have hideous memories of lit classes
- are sick of hearing shrill punditry
- are learning English
- are curious about classic lit
- are taking a tough literature class
It may not sound sexy
(ooh, you look so hot carrying that musty tome with you!) but there’s no question about all the amazing benefits classic lit can give you.tweeted by Louisa-May-Alcott
What’s the Show Format?
So Why CraftLit?
In April 2006, Brenda Dayne, host of Cast-on, the knitting podcast, put out a final call for submissions. I’d been kicking around an idea of writing and recording an essay for her series on the Greek Muses and how they connected to knitting.
I, however, am multi-crafty and didn’t stick to knitting. Neither did CraftLit’s listeners – and nowadays, plenty of listeners aren’t crafty at all. Some skip ahead to the book chat, some tune in to listen just to the crafty chat and horde the book-talk until a book is finished. There’s no one-size-fits-all in our podcast world, so don’t hesitate to jump in.
In April 2006, Brenda Dayne, host of Cast-on, the knitting podcast, put out a final call for submissions. I’d been kicking around an idea of writing and recording an essay for her series on the Greek Muses and how they connected to knitting.
I, however, am multi-crafty and didn’t stick to knitting. Neither did CraftLit’s listeners – and nowadays, plenty of listeners aren’t crafty at all. Some skip ahead to the book chat, some tune in to listen just to the crafty chat and horde the book-talk until a book is finished. There’s no one-size-fits-all in our podcast world, so don’t hesitate to jump in.
At the 11th hour I sent her my essay on Melpomene and how knitting helped my students and me recover from our evacuation on 9/11. The end result was the start of CraftLit, originally conceived as a way to get knitters (busy hands) some quality audiobooks to listen to while they worked away.
Who’s Hosting the Shindig?
- Host & Producer of CraftLit
- Online-education specialist
- Author of young adult fiction
- Awarded teacher
As long as I can remember I’ve been surrounded by books. But I also love the spoken word. Both parents read to me when I was little and that definitely influenced the many ways I like to ingest text.
I suppose it’s not that odd that I became a teacher, then a podcaster, then an author/speaker/designer… along with having my two wonderful boys and giving birth to a different project – Crafting-a-Life, Inc. and its imprint Crafting-a-Life Books. Not surprisingly, my company specializes in educational media and Annotated Audiobooks™ – treating literature and history with a light touch and serious enthusiasm.
I’ve centered the wheel of my work-life around a simple hub – the goal of helping you craft a good life by finding and sharing things you’ll love and fun.
Author’s Works
Grounded – The Seven
Heather Ordover
With my young adult novel Grounded – The Seven series (seen in Vogue Knitting, Winter 2013-14), I’ve brought readers a set of teen protagonists who are smart, independent, and unique – yet aren’t estranged from the adult world.
Reviews from adults – and gratifyingly, from teens – have noted the difference from other mainstream teen fare and have become devoted fans of Rosie (and her socks).
Vol 1. WWMDfK?
Heather Ordover
With the What Would Madame Defarge Knit? series, I’ve brought together a team of ascendant designers who—with their engaging essays and clever, beautifully wrought knit and crochet patterns—have given joy and inspiration to a devoted cross-section of the crafting world. Along with our publisher, Cooperative Press, I’ve found a way to pay the designers royalties while still managing to print in the United States. Two things that are unique in the world of craft publishing.
Vol 2. W(e)WMDfK?
Heather Ordover
What (else) Would Madame Defarge Knit? is the second book in the What Would Madame Defarge Knit? series. It’s more than just a pattern book — it’s a treasure of links, essays, and designs to entertain your hands AND your mind. In its 200+ pages, you’ll find more than 25 knitting patterns (and one weaving pattern!) designed to delight your inner
What Our Listeners Are Saying?
Lorem Ipsum
Heather had the most fabulous idea here! If you love books and/or crafting then this is the podcast for you. I work at the type of job where I can listen while I work so I like to listen to podcasts. Once I stumbled upon this podcast by way of the Stars Hollow Podcast which led to An Old Fashioned Girl podcast which led me here…Whoa. Long story short, I’m addicted and I’m sure if you check it out you will be too. Heather’s great and she has so much knowledge to share with the world! I’m glad that she has a podcast to do that with.
I started at the beginning because I adore Mr. Darcy & had to hear P&P again. I am not a knitter, but after listening to so many episodes I have been bitten by the knitting bug! I like everything about this podcast–especially Heather’s voice!
If your passions are yarn and books…this is the podcast for you. Informative topics and a great read at the same time. It’s great!
I’m completely addicted to CraftLit. It’s the first ‘cast I find busywork until the episode is over. I love the background Heather gives on each author or story; she’s inspired me to get into some older literature that I otherwise wouldn’t have made time for or studied. Hearing about her crafting projects is fun, too, but really? It’s her voice. Smooth, calm, velvety, but with a sense of humor bubbling beneath the surface…I can listen for hours.
Lilly Bell
CraftLit is one of my favorite podcasts. There is never a bad time to listen. Heather Ordover’s voice fits all moods. She is thoughtful, funny, concise, gives good knitting information AND gives great information on the literature read. I’ve never had an English teacher make me read a book (??), so this is a nice introduction to that. I am over 30, but to have her clue me in on the stories really helps–and makes me enjoy them more. Great great great.
Madame Leiderhosen
This is an excellent podcast–well-produced, interesting literary choices, reflective, entertaining and charmingly hosted by a velvety-voiced refreshingly adult Ms. Ordover. (There are just so many shrieking, giggling dilettantes I can manage, thank you.) Right up there with Cast-On. I am absolutely addicted.
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