

Get comfortable. Find your tools. Check the volume, and enjoy, with me, the beginning of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, recorded by Annie Coleman. Intro music--"Chasing Hiro" by Joshua Christian of Syracuse, NY. I found the music on
Welcome to My Library—Well, here we are! I wanted to welcome you all to CraftLit, a Podcast for Crafters Who Love Books. I imagine you're here because you like to work with your hands, but you also like to read. If so, this is the place for you!
Auntie Alpaca Welcome to Episode 2! Book Talk starts at 7min In this episode, I rave about The Girl From Auntie, but neglect to mention the name of the Poncho Sweater, and go on about Alpacas d'Auxvasse (not to mention Ann Mayes).
You Knit What??? Chs 7-8 - Book talk begins at 9:30. Welcome to Episode 3! In this episode I welcome you to the joys of the Jane Austen Action Figure (and I am Not Kidding);
Can you believe we're on chapters nine and ten of Pride and Prejudice? Book talk begins at 23:45. Me either! And, once again, I find myself all hot and bothered by Darcey. Ah well... Before we get to that, today I'll talk to you about some quilting (that's the crazy part) and a wonderful book on toe-up socks (that's the Kahuna part).
'Cast number FIVE??? Whaaaaaatttt?!!!! Chapters 11 through 13 of Pride and Prejudice!!!! Book talk begins at 16:40. Where has the time gone?
Allergic to Yarn? Perish the Thought! 'Cast number Six! Yeee Haaaw! Chapters 14 through 17 of Pride and Prejudice! Book talk begins at 12:00. A Double Header of Annie Coleman...because I'm heading to the Dominican Republic!
Of Storage Space and Scholarships Chapters 18-19 - Book talk begins at 8:36. Well, Tristan and Isolde seem to be winning out as our next book. Please keep emailing me and letting me know your thoughts. Today a little personal update from me, then on to the next two chapters of P&P!
Cluttered History-The Gauntlet is Down  The gauntlet is down! How do you control your stash! Tell me now and I'll post your ideas! Today! Chapters 20-22!  Book talk begins at 9:20. 
Artist or Anorak This week, chapters 23-26! Book talk begins at 7:10. Hobby Horror...
Sockblockers and Extorting Pirates - Today, chapters 27-30 Book talk begins at 10:45. See the Sockblocker Key chain! See what Jeannie Townsend has done with her sockblocker key chain!
Felt That Soap! This week, Chapters 31-34 (next week 35-37) Book talk begins at 19:20. Felting soap is fun for the whole family! Just look! You can get roving for felting from Toni Neil at The Fold...they're the first house on the left. Really. You have to click it and see. It will make sense. Promise! My 9/11 story, just in case you wondered. And links to poetry/stories from my students too.
Spindling and Socks This week, chapters 35-37! Next week--38-41! - Book talk begins at 13:30.  Have you met the free online spinning magazine,Spindlicity?
Out of Time This week, chapters 38-41! Next week--42-45! A brief episode because I'm behind at work, sorry about that. Today, listen for some more wonderful Collins idiocy.
Austen? Chicklit? Chapters 42-45! Book talk begins at 12:40. 
Rhodes Trip! Chapters 45-47! Next week, chapters 48-51... Book talk begins at 5:15. 
Greetings from The Old Pueblo - Greetings from The Old Pueblo - Book talk begins at 4:00. I'm relegated to podcasting from my local coffeehouse again, sorry about that.
Accordion Girl, Ahoy! Book talk begins at 17:00. Today, aside from chapters 53-55, we talk about accordions, my love of the word "odious," (isn't it great?!) and I finally take Amy up on her suggestion weeks and weeks ago!
Today, chapters 56-59; THE PAYOFF!
Book talk begins at 11:00. The Triumph of Love Wrapping up P&P. Saying goodbye to Jane and itching for some glorious needlework. "How odious," she thought, "to knit with a broken finger..."
Today I chat with Madame Professor Elizabeth Klett about Romantic Poetry (that's capital R, not romantic--ain't nothing lovey-dovey about our poems today).
Today I chat with Madame Professor Elizabeth Klett about Romantic Poetry (that's capital R, not romantic--ain't nothing lovey-dovey about our poems today). You'll hear from Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, and Keats. Not bad for a night's work, eh?
Just Breathe... Book-talk begins 24:11
Cue the Monster Not much in the way of show notes this week. Chapters 3-5...which includes the awakening of said monster.
O The Weather Outside Is... Actually, fifty eight degrees and sunny...but I'm watching the news with all sorts of weather advisories for my old haunts in NY and...I know I'm nuts...I miss the snow. I don't miss the grey or the slush, but I do miss snow. Ah get the picture.
Elevate Me Today, once again, I reference Young Frankenstein, blather about Cat Bordhi's new sock book*  ( it. Really. Even if you don't knit socks), and generally wax rhapsodic about Frankenstein. Today you get chapters 8, 9, AND 10. Why? Because you would, quite literally, arrange a posse to hunt me down if I left you hanging after 9. I joke not.
Winter With Me in the Alps... Today, we stay with the Creature's narrative about his life with the De Lacey family during chapters 12 and 13. I announce the final winnah of the Jen Minnis Craftlit Charm! (Yay Barbara of IL! Yay Jen of Serious Talent!)
Requiem for a Friend I lose a friend with whom I simply did not get to spend enough time, we listen to chapters 14-15, I link you to a weave-a-licious blog post of Dawn's, I continue to wrap wire, look for reeds, and read, and thus I give you a quote from Ms. Shelley: Nothing contributes so much to tranquilizing the mind as a steady purpose—a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.
Make Me a Woman! Now it's gotten ridiculous. Pneumonia! Off to surgery for us. More as I know it. Chapters 16-17 here.
All Is Well... Updates on the surgery can be found on the Thing 2's Ear blog. Thank you SO much for all your support! Today Chs 18-19.
Mele Kalikimaka Is the Thing to Say Chapter 20 for you while I head off to the balmy island breezes and leave you with...miserable and cold northern climes and, you know...Victor being a putz... Don't forget to show some love to our February Incentive-Giver, Jennie Lanners of ceramicist fame.
Odyssey in my Mind SO many things to link to! Along with Chs 21-22 - Frankenstein.
Falling Down I'm off to a funeral but I've left you this podcast. No time for links on the show notes right now. I'll update them this weekend. MANY thanks to Becky who read so nicely for us today!
Coleridge! Rime! Mariners! All we really needed was Chip...Alas... If you want to hear it without my audio annotations, checkitout here: Librivox.
CRAFTY Happy 14th anniversary!!!!! Info on Tuesday's Book Chats / and Thursday's chats (Zoom link to Tuesday and Thursday Mask researchers Livestream Q&A Kurzgesagt’s Covid-19 video (best succinct info I've found) Mask info on
Aaaand We're Back!
Book Talk@ 7:17 Tip our Wonderful Narrator!
Tip our Wonderful Narrator!
Tip our Wonderful Narrator!
Tip our Wonderful Narrator!